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The Details

Date: June 2024 - TBC
7pm AEST


Welcome to the Mirror Talk Mastery Masterclass! I am so glad you are here. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on putting yourself first and following your heart about what you want. It can be such a scary thing to navigate - there you go, I've said it! It's so ok for you to feel unsure, uncertain and a bit fearful about what this work is going to mean for you and your life. But please know that you are making a fantastic decsion.

Why Mirror Talk Mastery?

  • The Mirror. The power of self-reflection and the ability to hold space for yourself is a very powerful tool in healing your relationship with your body. When you are able to have open and honest discussions with yourself about what your barriers and blocks are in your life, then you are truly able to dicipher the next steps that you need to take.
  • Self-talk. They say you become your thoughts. And so this is why self-talk is SUCH an important concept to delve into in your body image journey. It's time to catch yourself in your negative self-talk and re-write the script of what you tell yourself that you are.
  • Mastery. Self-talk is a skill just like any other skil - this means it can be mastered! They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill - so let's get cracking, there's no time to waste! 

The key to healing your body image lies within you.

It's time to hold up the mirror and step into your power to change the narratives and stories that you have been telling youreslf.

You are, and always have been, enough, gorgeous!

Are you ready to re-write the stories and beliefs you've always told yourself so that you can feel empowered to live authentically and confidently as the amazing woman you are? If yes, keep reading!

What's included?

  • A 60-90 minute online interactive masterclass
  • A comprehensive workbook to integrate and consolidate the principles and concepts from the masterclass
  • Practical tips and strategies to improve your relationship with your body
  • An opportunity to help us design our next product! 
  • The chance to win 1 of 3 FREE 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Jordy
  • A super exciting GIVEAWAY! 
  • Access to private Facebook group just for challenge LIVE round members
  • FREE access to my 30-Day Mirror Talk Challenge
Total Cost $44.00
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For our LIVE MTM Masterclass attendees, I am giving you FREE access to my 30-Day Mirror Talk Challenge to enable you to put the principles, strategies and tips into practice immediately! There's no time to waste!


This challenge is kicking off on the 1st May 2024 because there's no better to kickstart your journey to healing your relationship with your body than to be surrounded by a group of empowering, supportive and inspiring women all on a simialr journey to you all cheering each other on and celebrating every win together!

A message from our Founder

Hear from our Founder why MTM is THE masterclass to catapult you forward in your body image and persnal growth journey!


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Subscribe now to heal your body image. Gain exclusive access to our eBook & insights on cultivating a healthy relationship with your body, cultivating self-compassion, awareness, and confidence.