Turn Down the Noise

Turn Down the Noise

I had the most amazing coaching call with one of my biggest expanders this week and she gave me so many insights, and one of the things she shared with me was that I needed to "turn down the noise". 

(I will share more about this incredible coaching call throughout the week!)

But for now, let's get back to it… 


Are you someone who is constantly worrying about what others think of you? Or maybe you are concerned about what others might say about a decision you make? 

I can totally relate, I am definitely guilty of this too. 

But that's ok, because when you open your awareness to something, it gives you the opportunity to change it should you choose to.

As someone who has struggled a lot with worry about what others have thought about me, or worried about how my actions may cause others to perceive me, it's super common to always make these considerations part of your decision-making process, but you honestly they don't need to be.

In a society where you are constantly told what you "should" and "should not" do and who you "should" and "should not" be, it's so normal to feel like you need to carry the opinions of others on your shoulders, but that can be a heavy load to bear.

So why not decide that you are going to turn down the external noise, and turn up the volume on your inner compass? (a.k.a. your intuition)

I know… how do you turn up the volume on your inner voice when you don't know what it sounds like?

I had the same dilemma when I decided that this was something that I wanted to do for myself.

Well, simple really… you essentially do everything in reverse of how you got to this point.

You need to teach yourself to unlearn prioritising everyone else's opinions and start amplifying that little voice in your head which is trying to tell you what you actually want.

You know that little voice which pops up and says "I want to have Thai for dinner" rather than Pizza?

Yes, that's the voice I'm talking about.

It's the voice that used to pipe up and tell you what you want when you're given a choice, but it got so used to you shutting it down and ignoring it that it doesn't pop it's head up too much these days. And even when it does, you've gotten so used to ignoring it that you've forgotten what it sounds like.


Now none of this is meant to make you feel bad or blame you or anything like that.

The main point of this is to say that you already have everything you need to rediscover that little voice and turn it's volume back up to a more audible decibel.


And don't worry, I've got you… 

I am going to share my formula with you to reconnect with your intuition and bring her back into your decision-making processes. 

So are you ready?

Here it is!


How to turn up the volume on your intuition:

  1. Ask yourself a question that you would generally rely on others for advice about (this could be something as simple as "what do I want for dinner tonight?").
  2. Sit with the feelings that come up for you and try to notice how different options that you can think of make you feel.
  3. If you can, make some notes in a journal about how the options you think of make you feel.
    • Are you thinking about who you're meant to be having dinner with tonight and what they like/don't like to eat?
    • Are you thinking about what people will say if you tell them you've had GYG for the fifth time this week?
    • Or are you actually thinking about what you really feel like? Take note of any other feelings/sensations/responses that come up for you when you think of different cuisines or eateries that you think of.
  4. Ask yourself "if this decision was just up to me and I wasn't contemplating anyone else in my decision, what decision would I make to really nurture and honour my own needs and wants?"
  5. Then as soon as the first thing comes to your mind, whatever it is, make that your decision. Make your gut instinct your decision.
    • Usually your gut instinct, that first answer that comes to mind before you push it away to make room for someone else's idea or vote, will be your intuition telling you what you really want.
  6. Rinse and repeat in other decisions and all areas of your life and at every opportunity you get!
    • Whenever you are faced with a decision or are unsure of what to do just ask yourself: "if this decision was entirely up to me and making me happy, what would I choose?"

    SIDE NOTE: Please don't get disheartened if the volume of your intuition doesn't amplify immediately. Remember, you've spent years ignoring and suppressing it. It's going to take a bit of time to learn to recognise what it sounds/feels like and then prioritise it again above all the other noise coming in from your external environment.

    But I promise with practice and time, your intuition will come back stronger than ever and you will be able to recognise it the more and more you continue to honour and act in accordance with it. 

    Hang in there, and don't give up! 

    I would absolutely LOVE to know how you go with this and the revelations and experiences that you have!

    If you are comfortable I would love it if you could share it by either commenting on this blog post below, or by sharing it in the FB Community here.

    It's time to turn up the volume on your intuition and start living a life that lights you up and fulfills you. 

    So what are you waiting for? 

    Give it a go and let me know how you go! I'll be right here cheering you on!

    Keep showing up for you gorgeous!


    Love always

    Jordy xx


    **Disclaimer: If the question you ask yourself relates to your mental health or personal safety this formula does not apply and I encourage you to go and seek professional assistance to ensure you are appropriately supported and cared for.


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