I ate Maccas last night and guess what happened...?!

I ate Maccas last night and guess what happened...?!


Last night when I came back from the Gold Coast after speaking at a Body Positivity event, my husband and I were stuck in awful traffic which meant that we were going to be home super late and it was well after dinner time.

My darling husband had actually already been in traffic waiting to pick me up for over 1.5 hours by the time that he got to me and so was understandably hungry and feeling out of sorts by the time that he got to me.

So to avoid us both being hangry and in a bad mood for the entire drive home, I said "shall we just get Maccas?". We were planning to go out for dinner when we got closer to our place, but I knew that it might be a while before we actually go even close to our place so I suggested Maccas to tide us over until we got to the place we were going to eat at.

Usually this was something that I would NEVER do, but I definitely felt it was warranted given how we were both feeling.

After suggesting the idea it was rather interesting to hear all the voices that came into my mind and popped up around "I would NEVER do something like this" or "it won't happen again" -- as though "giving in" and "letting myself go" by having Maccas was something to be ashamed of because "someone like me" couldn't possibly "stoop so low".


Both my husband and I felt better after getting some food into us and it put us both in a MUCH better mood to get us through the rest of the drive we had ahead of us to get us to where we were meant to be going for dinner.

Yes the feelings of guilt may have popped up momentarily...

And the slight sense of "needing to go to the gym tomorrow" came to mind...

But I just reassured myself that "I trust my body to do what it needs to with the food I feed it" and acknowledged and thanked the negative thoughts and feelings for popping up and sent them on their way.

I sent them on their way because I TRUSTED my body and I didn't need to doubt myself or my decision.

I made the best decision that I could at the time given how I was feelilng and the outcome I was seeking... AND IT PAID OFF!

I got the outcome I was seeking, which was a pleasant and lovely car ride with my husband catching up on what we had both gotten up to over the weekend after being apart.

And the best part... for dinner we had a burger and chips!!!


So if you're someone who struggles to give yourself permission to let your hair down, eat something that is less healthy, take the easy option and have a bit of fun - THIS IS YOUR PERMISSION!

Your body is INCREDIBLE and it will ALWAYS do its absolute best to keep you functioning as optimally as possible. And despite what you may think, it does not have any ulterior motives and it is not sabotaging your efforts!

Repeat after me: I trust my body to do what it needs to with the food I feed it.

Big Love,


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